You’re not going to believe this, but I almost missed these new Michael Fassbender photos. I KNOW. You’d think that SOMEONE would have said something to me about my boyfriend being in London for last night’s Empire Awards. Y’all are some mean bitches. Especially you sluts in London. Can I get some real-time alerts from you London girls when Fassy is in town, for the love of God? What, do you think you can keep him all to yourselves?! YOU CAN’T. So, Fassy was at the awards show, and he even won! He received the “Empire Hero” Award, and when he accepted his award, he said, “Well, this is kind of unusual, because I always wanted to be a superhero. The first job I wanted to do was be Superman, so a hero award makes it official now, thanks to Empire. It’s a magazine I actually always did read and follow as a film fan. And Jameson is my favourite whiskey, so this is pretty special!” *taking notes*
Chris O’Dowd was there. I love this Irishman too, but seeing as how O’Dowd is coming in the wake of Fassbender, I’m not really hot for him. I think it’s the pants.
OMFG JAMES MCAVOY. Jesus, he looks GREAT. I would hit it. Hard.
I’m not a big Tom Hiddleston person, but he looked really hot last night too. He knows how to wear a suit. And you know I love a ginger.
Gary Oldman won Best Actor for Tinker Tailor Spy… I don’t think I would hit it, but I do enjoy him.
Photos courtesy of WENN.